Some of the benefits of this supplement includes:
Manages PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and PMDD
Can treat/manage symptoms of HPV (Human papilloma Virus) and Herpes
Prevention and treatment of UTI (Urinary Tract infection)
B9/B12 are vitamins that should be taken always by women of child bearing age because it prevents lots of Birth Defects
Boost fertility for men and women. Struggling with conceiving? Take Hormune!
Increases libido/ sexual desire for both men and women
Can treat/manage Erectile Dysfunction, low sperm motility, low sperm count and Erection duration in Men
Improves the health of the female ovaries/Eggs
Improves the Gut health, Aids digestion and prevents excessive weight gain
Probiotics and prebiotics are great for the vigina.. the maintain the vigina ph and fight off infections.
Treats excessive hair loss and can ensure a longer and healthier hair.
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